man using sander with Hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS)

Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) Assessments

Work with vibrating hand tools is covered by the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations (2005). Regular exposure to hand-transmitted vibration can cause a number of medical conditions, including hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), also known as ‘vibration white finger’, carpal tunnel syndrome and musculoskeletal issues.

Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome(HAVS) is widespread in industries where vibratory tools and machines are used. Five million workers are estimated to be exposed to HAVS in the workplace with HAVS being a major cause of occupational ill health.

If your work involves regular use of hand-held tools that vibrate, employers have a legal duty to prevent or reduce risk to health and safety from exposure to vibration at work requiring you to undergo statutory health surveillance annually.

What is HAVS health surveillance?

HAVS health surveillance is classified into tiers:

  • Tier 1 – an initial assessment before an employee starts work with vibrating tools
  • Tier 2 – An annual questionnaire-based assessment
  • Tier 3 – administration of a comprehensive and detailed questionnaire, along with clinical tests, by a ‘qualified health professional’, usually an HSE approved Occupational Health Nurse
  • Tier 4 – referral for a formal diagnosis of HAVS by an HSE-approved doctor.
  • Tier 5 involves referral to a specialist centre for optional testing as required, generally, it is reserved for complex cases or cases requiring medicolegal input.

Tier 4 HAVS assessments

Proteus Occupational Medicine Services is accredited by the HSE to undertake Tier 4 HAVS assessments. If you are already subject to Tier 4 health surveillance – you have a current formal diagnosis of HAVS – or have recently undergone Tier 3 surveillance, following which you have been referred for an initial Tier 4 assessment, please book an appointment through the online booking portal. Alternatively, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

How are Tier 4 HAVS assessments carried out?

Tier 4 HAVS assessments are scheduled for 1 hour.

  1. You will be required to complete a questionnaire regarding your symptoms.
  2. Following this the doctor will assess and document the extent of your symptoms affecting the blood vessels in your hands (blanching/white finger) as well as the nerves (numbness and tingling) symptoms.
  3. You will also undergo a number of additional clinical tests and examinations. Your ability to perform delicate tasks – manual dexterity – will be assessed using a peg board, during which you will be asked to pick up as many small metal pegs and place them in a series of holes on a board, as you can in a given time. Your ability to sense touch will also be formally assessed. In the event that further specialist investigations are required e.g. nerve conduction studies, the doctor will discuss this with you during your appointment.
    Sufferer of hand-arm vibration syndrome with sore hand

    At the end of your medical, providing you do not require a referral for further investigation or Tier 5 assessment, the doctor will write a short report to your employer. The report will inform your employer about your fitness for continued exposure to hand-transmitted vibration in the workplace, including whether or not any restrictions or limitations are required to protect you, and how long until your next review.

    How should I prepare for a Tier 4 HAVS assessment?

    Please bring the following to your appointment:

    • A copy of your most recent Tier 4 HAVS assessment report, if your previous HAVS health surveillance was undertaken by a different occupational health provider.
    • A copy of your Tier 3 report, if you have been referred for an initial Tier 4 assessment.
    • A copy of your employer’s risk assessment for control of hand-transmitted vibration in your workplace.